An interview with Joss Whedon

Unfortunately it’s not my interview with Joss Whedon, It’s‘s, but it’s good. It’s insightful. I opens up Whedon some more as a person and artist. Here’s a particularly interesting tidbit:

You were a go-getter from a pretty young age. Why is helplessness something that resonates so strongly for you?

I guess because I grew up small and afraid of everything, and apart from the fact that I’m no longer small, nothing has changed. Every moment that I love is the moment when a character basically stands up and says “I have the right to exist.” And that’s something I have yet to do as a person. But I can write it quite eloquently.

This struck me particularly hard, having just had a similar conversation with my wife about my writing. The more I know, the more I like Joss Whedon. Go! Read it!

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2 Responses to An interview with Joss Whedon

  1. Thom says:

    I would not be the first person to not see himself as others see him. Or we could be holding different ideas of what “saying here I am” means. I have always felt small and afraid, even to own my successes. Even on the stage I’ve always gone up there because I enjoy it, not because I expect anyone to notice, or even care I was there.

    Though I do think Whedon’s choice of wording (I hope) is inaccurate for both of us. “Exist” is a bit strong. I don’t think I doubt my right to exist, just my right to be loud about it.

  2. Thom says:

    “Expect” is probably too strong a word. “Hope”, maybe. Seeking validation may be an accurate assessment.

    Not sure how this turned into a “Rag on Bill” thread. All I’m saying is I was surprised to find that Joss Whedon feels “small”, and that I can relate. I live a small life, and most of the time that’s okay. But there are times I wish could stand up and be something more–if only to find I don’t like it and can happily go back to living small.

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