A Quiet moment

I spent pretty much all day Saturday with either a power tool in my hand or a phone to my ear. I had one more bookcase I had promised to build, and the company I helped start is working on a major opportunity. I felt like I was going all day.

Sunday wasn’t much better, with appointments and getting some things done for the kids, preparing a lesson for church, etc. Last evening, though, my wife invited me to join her outside. We ended up with the entire family sprawled out on the trampoline just sitting and enjoying the evening.

It was a nice one, too. It’s still a little warm, but not as bad as it’s been. There were plenty of birds around, including a pair of hummingbirds playing tag through the fruit trees. It was nice to just sit back and relax for a few moments under blue sky surrounded by green trees, with high clouds drifting above.

The moment was short-lived, but it was enjoyable while it lasted. The days are getting shorter and cooler. I should probably get outside more often.

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2 Responses to A Quiet moment

  1. Dan Stratton says:

    Love Dumbledore on bass!

  2. Thom says:

    Eh? I’m afraid I’m not following you.

    Wait, oh…you probably meant to comment on Friday’s post. It appears the layout of this theme confuses people as to where the comments link is.

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