Nothing to see here

I was just too tired last night after a day of digging out ditches and trimming trees (Happy Columbus Day!) to think, let alone write. I read a book instead. Good book, you ask? It’s okay. It’s “The Difference Engine”, but William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. It gets a little long-winded just to show that they know what Victorian London was like, but it’s fairly good. It’s getting a little closer to the Gibson I discovered first and love.

“Beyonders: Seeds of Rebellion” is what I’m reading to the kids right now, and it’s excellent. I’m thoroughly enjoying that one.

I’ve got to get ready for our cub scout den meeting tonight, so I’m going to sign off. I’ve got about 20 tall tales to brush up on before tonight. Enjoy your day! Any day you can spend above ground is probably an improvement over the alternative.

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