A real stretch

Sometimes there’s nothing more satisfying than a really good stretch. You know, the kind where a small stretch turns into a bigger stretch, turns into a full-body, work-every-muscle-and-a-few-organs stretch. The kind you wish you could hold forever, or at least ten minutes, but you’re usually holding your breath so you know you can’t. The kind that cats seem to be able to manage without any real effort, which probably explains the deep animosity some people hold for cats.

There are other ways to accomplish the same thing, of course. Like a laughing attack, where you get laughing so hard and so long that you can’t stop, but when you finally do you feel like a limp noodle.

Of course there must needs be opposition in all things, and inevitably when you’re right in the middle of a reeeeeaaalllly goooooooood streeeeeeeetch someone always comes along and threatens to poke you in the ribs. These people are the spawn of Satan, and should be cast off into that infernal pit where there is weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, tightening of muscles and no stretching or back rubs! Yep, hangin’s too good for ’em!

So as we all move into the new week, take time to try for a really good stretch. You can find one if you really try.

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2 Responses to A real stretch

  1. Sorry, I’m one o’ them thar pokey people. Come to think of it, no, I’m not sorry.

    • Thom says:

      Not yet you’re not. But the Eighth Circle of Hell awaits you….

      Actually, I used to be one of those people. I’m reforming, though.

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