No one knows you like family

And yet oddly enough, they love me anyway.

I’m reminded from time to time just how much I enjoy my family. Sure, no one can push your buttons faster than family, but no knows how to scratch your back like family, either. I’ve enjoyed my kids all along, but I do admit that the older they get the more amazed and delighted I become with them. They’re turning into real people! Oh, sure, there are some drawbacks with them entering the teen years, but there are balancing factors, too. Their unique talents and interests start coming to the fore. They can have mature conversations. You can (usually) reason with them more. And they can leave you in unexpected stitches with an incredibly witty remark you just didn’t see coming.

We’re also able to engage in activities that require them to carry their own weight, like this week’s attempt to scale Frary Peak. There’s no way I’d risk it with little kids, because I wouldn’t want to carry them back down if they ran out of gas. Now days if anyone’s going to run out of gas first, it’s me.

My kids are awesome. I blame their mother.

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5 Responses to No one knows you like family

  1. Hey, that’s not fair to blame it all on me! You have something – actually a lot – to do with their awesomeness, too. 🙂

  2. Huh? Your kids are awesome, too!

  3. No. My kids don’t know you at all, but thanks. I was referring to your extended family, like me. I thought that’s where it was going and feeling like I wish I knew you better.

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