Nothing new under the sun

Okay, we’ve become accustomed to Hollywood crowding themselves into their risk-averse corner and producing mainly remakes, reboots, and movies from popular novels. But evidently TV, which in recent years has been the only place left to go for original, risk-taking entertainment, is beginning to follow suit. Fox has revealed plans to create a ’24’ continuation (sans Kiefer) and revival/reboots of ‘X-files’ and ‘Prison Break’.

No wonder I don’t have time for TV or movies any more. It’s an investment of time I can’t afford to make when when they really just want to show me the same old same old, re-prettified and updated for “modern sensibilities”, ie. sexed-up and explosion-packed.

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2 Responses to Nothing new under the sun

  1. Agreed. I used to love movies, but now? Meh.

  2. Dan Stratton says:

    Amen. Heard it explained that Hollywood won’t let you do anything innovative until you have proved yourself to be bomb-proof. But once one has reached that status, why risk losing it? This is why I am turning back to books. If anything, literature has gone the other direction. Anyone can publish. Some real gems can be found amongst the dross. It does take more time and it is up to the reader to discriminate what is good and what isn’t, but there are just as many review sites that will let me see what people are saying.

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