Same old same old

Liberals are doubling down on their failed strategy, ensuring they will continue to be the minority party. The “party of the intelligentsia” are failing to learn from their mistakes.

In short, when faced with a come-from-behind electoral shellacking, they’re returning to the old tried-n-true thinking that got them in trouble in the first place: America is full of racist, sexist, hate-filled, ignorant people. There can be no other explanation. The only surprise is that they are even including women in that list now. So rather than taking a look at why otherwise reasonable people (ie. they voted for Obama last time, those horrid racists!) could possibly change their minds, it’s easier to write them all off–and ultimately admit “Hey, we’re never going to win another election, ever, because there are just too many haters!”

The sad part of this post-election period is that the left is proving that “Love Trumps Hate” was nothing but a slogan. People are being beaten and shot for being Trump supporters–or even joking about being Trump supporters. Protestors have rioted over their loss.

Yes, there have also been Trump supporters who have been emboldened by his victory enough to engage in openly racist displays, and that is equally appalling. However, it’s the Left who built the narrative of Trump being a racist and a hater. They did their utmost to portray him as a right-wing fascist white-supremacist hero–an image Trump himself has decried as leftist fabrication. It’s the fault of the Left that these people see Trump as one of their own and see his victory as sanction. Be careful of the demons you create, folks.

As it is, much was made over Trump’s refusal to give a blanket statement about accepting the results of the election. Little is being made of the Left’s loud and occasionally violent refusal to accept the results. Their leaders have called for calm, but their followers…aren’t following. Who’d have guessed that the “ungovernable” part of America included the Left?

The media, beyond a few singular pieces examining their biases and their role in Trump’s victory, continue to dig up every possible anti-Trump angle they can find. The president-elect ditches his press followers for a family dinner? Apoplectic hand-wringing about what this means for transparency. Really? The American public needs to know what the Trumps had for dinner? The press have made it clear they are enemies of Trump. Why would he want to invite his enemies along on a family outing?

I, for one, don’t claim any right as a citizen to know where the president-elect is at all time, who he’s with, or what he’s eating. It’s my understanding the Obamas were known to ditch the press corps on occasion, to which I say: good for them! Just like I’ve never begrudged President Obama his numerous golf excursions. It’s a tough job, and a guy needs some down-time. Get over it.

I also find it rather disgusting how suddenly and gleefully the Republicans who were fighting against Trump not so long ago have rushed to claim him and to plan the dismantling of their pet peeve legislation from the Obama era. What? Never Trump? Never heard of it! We’re buddies now! We always knew he didn’t mean half of what he said.

But it’s equally disgusting to see the return of “we’re going to treat your guy exactly how you treated out guy” that comes back every time there’s a power change. I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but it sure would be nice to see someone attempt to break the cycle and aim higher. Especially since “how you treated our guy” always seems to end up exaggerated more and more each cycle.

So yup, it’s just the same old same old, including from me. Both sides stink, and no one is doing anything to change my mind. Get off my lawn.

Edit: Well, not everyone is hoping for Trump’s downfall. Tom Hanks is actually daring to hope Trump does so well he’ll want to vote for him next time. I didn’t vote for Trump, either, but what does it cost us (or perhaps what should it cost us) to hope the guy does better than we fear? I had similar hopes for Obama and Bush. Why shouldn’t we be hoping that whomever gets elected rises to the occasion and proves their detractors wrong? I’d certainly be hoping for that if Hillary or Romney or McCain had been elected. Anyone who believes in the perfectness and infallibility of their elected officials is, quite frankly, scary. The rest of us have ample room to hope that they do better than we have reasonable cause to fear.

Edit 2: Yeah, this…

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