Positive starts

Okay, after last week’s semi-downer attitude, I want to get this week off to a better start. So, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to open it up to audience input here. Leave me a comment below with a favorite inspirational or positive quote, a link to something that makes you smile or inspires you, whatever. Show me something you feel makes you a better person, or at least in a better mood, for having seen it. Ready, go!

Fair’s fair. Here’s mine:

Not necessarily inspiration, but it makes me smile. I love the repeating blunderbuss!

Okay, this one is almost inspirational:

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4 Responses to Positive starts

  1. And, shamefully, this should have been my first answer, whenever I see my sweetie smile. It makes me happy, and makes me want to be a better person to take better care of her.

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