Do unto others and run

Regardless of who is right and who is wrong in Ferguson, there is one very troubling aspect of this entire situation. Those protestors trying to get attention to their cause are willing to sacrifice everyone else to get what they want. A recent interview with some of the protestors indicated a belief that had they not been looting, burning, and causing mayhem no one would be paying any attention, so their destruction was justified. You can’t make an omlet without breaking some eggs, etc. These people are not acting out of anger, out of a temporary loss of sense. This is premeditated. They want attention, and that’s what they are willing to do to get it.

One protestor even claims to be an owner of several businesses. He admits that he’d hate to see someone come in and destroy one of his businesses, but it’s still okay for him to do it to someone else’s because the matter is so important that he’ll do whatever is necessary to attract the necessary attention. I am floored. He knows it’s wrong, he knows he wouldn’t want it to happen to him, but he doesn’t care. He wants what he wants, and he’ll get it, no matter who it hurts.

So I can only ask: Why didn’t he choose one of his own businesses? Why is he so willing to make somoene else sacrifice for his cause? He’s willing to destroy someone else’s livelihood, but unwilling to give up part–just a part, since he owns several businesses–of his own?

I’ll tell you why. Chances are he’s not even from Ferguson. Of 78 protestors recently arrested, only three were from Ferguson. It wouldn’t have the same effect if he destroyed a business that’s not in Ferguson. It wouldn’t make the right statement. The media might not be willing to go that far away to cover it.

He is not an activist. He is not a moral objector. He is a terrorist. You will never convince me of the morality of your cause when you act in an immoral way. It’s funny–in a sad way–how the left and the media are so quick to label the Tea Party as terrorists, and yet no Tea Party rally has ever ended in property damage, let alone to the extent that we’ve seen in Ferguson. And yet the Ferguson protestors are supposed to be accepted as some brand of noble hero.

I’m not buying it. It just shows the increasing moral bankruptcy and intellectual dishonesty of the left. Not that there isn’t enough of that on the right, too. But ultimately that’s the point. You cannot provide moral leadership if you have no morals. If I have to check my morals at the door in order to follow you, then that’s a place I have no desire to go.

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One Response to Do unto others and run

  1. It is right, because I WANT it to be right … because it benefits ME. To hell with everyone else.

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