Halloween memories

I wonder what my children will remember about Halloween in ten, twenty or thirty years. Hopefully their memory is better than mine, and hopefully they have better memories. I don’t particularly remember any Halloweens past. I do remember going to a spook alley in someone’s house and not being terribly impressed. Mostly I remember the time when I was eight or nine, and put on an old tape recorder with a neck strap, black pants and a long-sleeve yellow knit shirt and went as Spock.

Now, all of you die-hard Trekkies out there can see the problem immediately. But my only introduction to Star Trek at that point in my life had been on a black and white TV, or on those Colorforms toys where you get a bunch of re-usable stickers and can make your own scenes. I knew some had yellow, some had red, and some had blue, but I really had no definitive guide to go by for individual characters. Nevertheless I didn’t have a particularly good day at school from all the kids correcting me with varying degrees of kindness.

Of course it didn’t matter when I went trick or treating. Assuming I wasn’t wearing a coat so that no one could even tell what color my shirt was, the majority of the adults I would have seen that night wouldn’t have known Spock from a spork, and shoveled candy at me anyway.

But really, I can’t say that I have any truly great Halloween memories. Certainly not like my brother who met his wife at a Halloween party. Now that was a treat to be proud of!

It will be interesting to see what memories my kids carry forward from the various Halloweens. I think they’ve got a better shot at some memories than I did.

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One Response to Halloween memories

  1. I have the best memories of Halloween. My grandma loves it and she would throw a huge Halloween party every year and all my cousins would come. We had such a blast. But now our families are too big and we don’t do it anymore. Halloween has disappointed me now for so many years that I don’t really like it anymore. I just need to let go of expectations and take it for what it is. At least I’m dressing up this year. 🙂

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