I got my geek cred on

PokemonJudgeShirtI’ve been helping out at the local Pokémon league where my kids go every Saturday. A lot of parents mistake me for the guy in charge (I’m old enough to be the league leader’s father), but the attendees seldom do. We’ve had to train them that it’s okay to come to me to get their “punch cards” marked or check on questionable trades.

This last week Scott, the league leader, presented me with an official judges shirt (I’m a registered first-level judge and organizer). Yes, folks, I now have my very own Pokémon bowling shirt, like the one pictured here, only with logos.  I don’t know if I can say that chicks dig a guy in uniform, but kids seem to recognize me as someone official more readily. I was swamped with kids wanting to trade with me this past week.

I never, ever would have dreamed I’d one day have a Pokémon league leader shirt in my closet. But life can sometimes take some very strange turns. It’s not surprising, though. My boys really enjoy this particular club and this particular leader. It’s been a good experience for them to go there. I want to make sure that opportunity remains as long as they want, and Scott can clearly use the help. And I’m there every week anyway.

But considering how life can be rather unpredictable, I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up running the joint some day. Or running an aromatherapy spa, for that matter. I’ve given up trying to predict my life.

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