Odd dreams

Last night I dreamt that there were entire sections of our house I’d never noticed before–and that other people were living in them and paying rent to the previous owner. That other people were living in our house or that I’d never noticed extra floors to the house before didn’t bother me, just that the former owners were still collecting the rent.

My subconscious must be telling me I should have been an architect, as this house and many other buildings in my dreams are really, really cool, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen them before. This one I confess to a little twinge of disappointment when I woke up and realized that wasn’t really our house. And that was just the interior. I suspect the landscaping was incredible.

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4 Responses to Odd dreams

  1. You had the big amazing house dream! You know what that means, don’t you? Me either. When I have the BAHD, the house usually belongs to either Mom & Dad or Cecelia & Scott.

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