You got the mom shorts!

I thought I’d share this parody video that pays tribute to all the sensible women out there who don’t feel the need to “put it all out there.” I echo the man in the video mouthing, “Thank you!”

I especially want to thank my wife and daughter for their choice to dress modestly, and especially for my wife for her “mom skirts”. What can I say? I love the look of a woman in a dress or skirt (and by skirt I mean something at least as long as mom shorts or longer).

Now, because some of you out there can’t help but look for double standards, let me just tell you about what I wear. On weekdays I’m seldom dressed below the slacks-n-polo level, and as soon as the weather turns cooler I’m in long-sleeve button-ups. On Saturdays I’m usually in jeans and t-shirt, though sometimes even then I’ll go with a polo. The only shorts I own is a pair of swim trunks and one pair of basketball shorts. On Sundays I’m in at least my suit pants and white long-sleeve shirt most of the day, though I do drop down to track pants and a t-shirt to walk the dog.

My boys? They do get to wear knee-length shorts and t-shirts, or slacks and polos on nicer occasions (and slacks, white shirts and ties for Sunday). But you won’t find any bare-chest men around our house. For me and my family, whether we’ve got it or not, we’re not flaunting it. We’re trying to teach our kids that their value lays within, not in showing skin. Comfort is fine, but we care about those around us enough to choose not to be a distraction. And I include in that clothes that are so tight and clingy that one glance and I know your body even better than I know my own. Please, we just met. Save it for your significant other.

What’s so bad about covering up more? And is it so wrong to not let everyone become intimately acquainted with your every contour?  Is modern fashion merely a reflection of our social media obsession, in which we feel a need to share everything? Is it a reflection of our celebrity-worship, in that we want to mimic people who are under constant pressure to reveal more and more in order to get more media attention? Is our driving goal these days to “break the Internet”? Give us all a break and yourself more respect. Let’s cover up more to give others the permission to do the same. Perhaps its time we all had a little less skin in the game, so to speak.


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One Response to You got the mom shorts!

  1. The video was pretty… awful…:) but your post was great! I totally agree.

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