Happy Monday!

I’ve got little of substance to say today, other than I hope your day goes well. I don’t know what your weather is like, but we had some very nice weather over the weekend. This was fortunate, since I was camping out in it with my boys one of those nights. I also got to take several walks in it yesterday. Spring on the cusp of summer can be a beautiful time of year.

I got to watch “The African Queen” with my sweetheart over the weekend. It’s an interesting entry on Humphrey Bogart’s resume. It’s a bit of an odd role for him, at least when weighed against his other well-known roles in “Casablanca”, “The Maltese Falcon”, or “Key Largo.” The reason it sticks out, however, is precisely that. It’s different. He inhabits Charlie Allnut as comfortably as he does Sam Spade. I’d swear he even changed his facial structure for the part. But no, he was just a good actor. And as for Katherine Hepburn…well, she’s Katherine Hepburn. They just don’t make them like that any more, and it’s our loss.

I also made some more progress on “The Lies of Locke Lamora”, a book I’m struggling to determine how I feel. I’ve nearly abandoned it on several occasions, but it still manages to keep me interested enough to keep going. My reading last night suggests that I’ll lose my ambivalence soon, though. Either it’s going to insult/offend me enough to finally give up, or it’s going to finally get good enough to justify the investment in getting to this point. Considering the main character got a case of the stupids, I’m not placing any bets. After criticizing other people for not listening to their most intelligent advisors, he then turns around and does the same thing with his own gang. So far I’ve not seen any indication that the author recognizes the hypocrisy. Perhaps it will come later. Perhaps I’ll never make it far enough to see.

My writing has picked up a little in the past few weeks. I’ve been progressing more rapidly, and it seems as though having a more vague outline is serving me well. I like where things are going, in any case. I just wish I could go faster.

Anyway, thank you for your indulgence of my rambling today. I started two other posts and ended up putting them aside, as my ideas aren’t fully baked yet. Perhaps you’ll see them later in the week. Perhaps you won’t.

In the mean time, have a great day!

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