It’s quiet. Too quiet.

I accidentally left my mp3 player home today. Suddenly I’m aware of just how much I rely on it. Music, besides providing some ambient sound, is my caffeine, my mood enhancer, my brain cleanser.

Today I needed it to be my caffeine. I’m really sleepy this morning–I blame the cat that decided it needed to throw up at 4:55 am, depriving me of those precious 25 minutes of solid sleep before I had to wake up. Now I have little alternative but to hit the munchies in our department admin’s office. Chewing on something helps keep me awake, too, but in addition to threatening my efforts to drop a few pounds, it’ll likely trigger my time release niacin and make me flush.

First World problems, I know. It’s not as if I’m camped out atop a mountain in northern Iraq waiting to see if I die from starvation or torture. The greatest threat to my country, according to my president, is the opposition party.

Perhaps we both could use a little perspective.

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