Return of Strong Bad?

If you’re a fan of Strong Bad, I imagine you’ve already heard about this, but just in case you haven’t…

If you haven’t heard of Strong Bad, that’s okay. Feel free to check it out anyway, if you like, or just go on with your lives, Citizens! Nothing to see here!

EDIT: It’s not over when it looks over. Keep watching.

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6 Responses to Return of Strong Bad?

  1. I need a fish-eye lens, see what it does for my bank account.

  2. I thought this was funny when I watched it, but them when I saw the intro to the new Studio C season, I really laughed hard.

    • Thom says:

      I didn’t see them close enough together to make the connection, but now that you mention it…
      “I wanna ride, wanna ride into the night…wanna use a fish-eye lens with you!”

      And speaking of Studio C, tune in at 10:00. Though you’ve probably already seen it.

  3. Watched Season 5 premier this morning. It was much better than their previous ones. Quite enjoyed it, in fact. Could be that one of my co-actors from the play was in it (for 2 seconds).

  4. The whole intro is shot with… A fish eye lens.

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