Happiness is never “out there”

If there is one thing that social media is teaching me, it’s that happiness is never going to be found “out there.” Nothing anyone else can do will ever make you happy–at least not for long. Most all my friends who were so happy about how the last election turned out? They’re back to posting stuff about how terrible the other side is and exposing their latest scheme to ruin the world for the rest of us. They even found reasons to not be so happy about the election results after all.

Meanwhile, another group of friends has decided they have had enough with all the negativity on social media, and are starting a movement to fill the Internet with beauty, be it pictures of flowers, animals, or what-have-you. I’ve joined this little movement because, frankly, it helps. I’m not sure if it helps because I’m seeing other people’s beautiful pictures, or if it’s just changing my own attitude by helping me to be looking for beauty in order to post it. I’ve certainly been able to remember that I have a lot of pictures I’ve taken of beautiful scenes, landscapes, flowers, animals, my family, etc. I should probably spend more time looking at them and less time drinking in Internet hemlock.

We tend to find what we look for. If we’re looking for things to get upset about, things to criticize, or things that annoy us we won’t have to look far. It’s easy to find. If we’re looking for beauty, for inspiration, for reasons to be happy, they’re not that far away, either.

What are you looking for?

Kodachrome carpet

Autumn fireworks

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13 Responses to Happiness is never “out there”

  1. Dorothy said it very well, “… if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard; because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with. ”

    And in response to your query, yes, it is because you changed your own attitude.

    • Thom says:

      Probably true, though I suppose we shouldn’t underestimate the temporary positive reinforcement we get from being part of a crowd. Seeing other people doing the same thing gives you a boost. But like so many other things, it’s “out there”, and not likely to be a lasting source of happiness. It can, however, give you enough motivation to keep going until the new attitude becomes a habit instead of merely the “cause de jour.”

  2. Or,as Lennier said, ” A darkness carried in the heart cannot be cured by moving the body from one place to another. “

  3. Too deep for me. I’ll just stare vacantly at the photos and say “Ooh! Pretty leaves!”

  4. A much healthier response, I assure you.

  5. Gee Thom I just love looking at your pictures, but you and Bill do seem to get a little carried away sometimes mate. 🙂

  6. Didn’t I mention that he and I are partners together in the fertilizer business?

  7. Oh OK then that explains all the fertilizer you 2 spread LOL. Hope you and all yor family are well and happy mate. 🙂

  8. We’re doing pretty well, mate. And you seem as ornery as ever. How’s the wife?

  9. We are all pretty good mate I have to have more heart surgery on the 28th but apart from that we are both fairly fit, but always happy my friend. 🙂

  10. We’ll keep you in our prayers, then. There really must be a cheaper way to get lousy hospital food though, mate!

  11. I have told my wife to get the hospitals cook book so I don’t have to go so often, I think she likes the break from me. LOL 🙂

  12. Don’t the Blue Nurses run some daycare centers? 😉

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