Viral hate vs. viral support

Jason Money, in the last football game of his high school career, made a mistake that cost his team the game. That would be bad enough for anyone, let alone a teenager. But then video of the mistake goes viral, and suddenly he’s deluged with social media hate from thousands of people who didn’t even know him and had no real investment in the game. They just saw a target and went for it.

Now-days it’s not, “it’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game,” but ” it’s not whether you win or lose, but how you deal with the Internet trolls.” Suffices to say there are some really nasty, terrible people out there. Fortunately for Jason he didn’t have to face it alone. I feel for those who endure this kind of stuff without a support structure.

Anyway, there’s an article about what happened to Jason and how he and his family dealt with it. There are lessons there to be learned for anyone who is open to learning. I doubt any of the trolls will be at all changed by this article, but there’s something here for the rest of us. Don’t let the haters be the only ones who get heard.

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One Response to Viral hate vs. viral support

  1. Hating is the new national pass time.

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