Cool celebrities

Jason Mraz is someone I suspect I could like a lot if I got a chance to know him. He seems to really enjoy his audiences and interacting with fans, as evidenced by this concert video where he spots a young man with a shaker in the audience and invites him on stage to play. Stan, the young man, shows some bravery, even chutzpah, and adds in his own harmony. Mraz is clearly surprised, but decides to roll with it. The result is fun to watch.

He also seems to get a lot of mileage out of his duet “Lucky”, singing it often with fans in concerts or in side moments. In this case it was with the winner of a Jason Mraz cover contest.

In this case he heard a fan sing before the concert and invited her onstage to sing with him.

Here he happened to step outside a concert venue and encountered a fan who couldn’t get in, but waited outside hoping to see him. I dunno, perhaps he’s really a big jerk, but I can’t help but like a guy who treats his fans this way. If this is typical he deserves all the success he’s found.

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One Response to Cool celebrities

  1. And I read somewhere he’s a vegan. A definite plus. 🙂

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