The definitive Vegemite tutorial

I lived in Australia for a couple of years, and during that time I, in Westley-esque fashion, built up an immunity to iocane powder Vegemite. I like it, frankly. But I always thought I was being a little wussy about it, as I’d only use it sparingly on my morning toast. Well, evidently Jimmy Fallon got suckered into trying it by someone who wanted to blow his head off with the stuff, so Hugh Jackman came on the show to set him straight. As it turns out, I evidently had it right all along. Behold:

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2 Responses to The definitive Vegemite tutorial

  1. Pirate-o has Vegemite. Should we get you some?

    • Thom says:

      It’s probably not worth it as often as we have toast. 🙂 I’m not sure if it’s vegan, either (update: their website claims it is). Though it’s supposed to be a good source of several of the B vitamins. I wouldn’t mind having some, but as I’d be the only one eating it, it’s not worth the bother.

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