Dice gods against you…or sabotage?

As an regular RPG-er, this particular YouTube video caught my attention: How to check the balance of your D20:

Sometimes it’s not the dice-gods that are against you. It’s the dice manufacturer! Although as long as you know which one it is, a D20 that always rolls a 20 is a feature, not a bug…

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6 Responses to Dice gods against you…or sabotage?

  1. Gonna have to try this. Make sure that I have the right die for the right occasion.

  2. Balancing dice is heresy. Retribution will happen. The Dice Gods are merciless.

  3. Jonathan Stratton, perhaps this explains my good luck streak in Xwing. And your poor rolling. (Not the latest game – the earlier ones.)

  4. Hah well that would make sense except we use the same dice.

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