Writing update: …and we’re done!

“The Merchant Prince” turned out to be one I had to drag across the finish line. Finishing the climax came about the same time as a bunch of craziness at work and home, and finding time, motivation, and inspiration became difficult for a while. But it’s done. When I updated in March I predicted I’d be finished by July. I went over by six days, so all things considered that’s pretty good.

Did I accomplish my goals? I don’t know. I don’t think my characterization turned out as strong as I’d have liked. But I did maintain three separate characters with distinct plotlines, which in itself is a first. I feel I’m getting better as a writer, but in fits and starts. I seem to improve over here, then over there, never all at once. While “TMP” had some good things going for it, I feel the plot itself fell a little flat.

But it’s done. I’ve written five novels, and three in the past four years. So far I think “The Married Minstrel” (note to self–that title has to go!) is my most solid all-around work, though in many ways the Warhammer Fantasy fan-fic I wrote entirely for fun years ago holds up almost as well.

So what’s next? Not a new novel. Not yet. I think I’ve proven I can finish a novel. It’s time I worked on editing. I want to go back and work on “The Married Minstrel” and see if I can’t add a layer or two of polish. I’d like to get it to the point where I would feel comfortable submitting it a few places to test the water. It’s close, but it’s still lacking something. I have some ideas about what that might be.

I’d like to start on the next novel by the end of summer. At this point I’m not sure what the next novel will be, though. I’ve got a couple ideas kicking around in my head, but none have stepped forward to grab me by the nose hairs and say, “It’s time you wrote me, so sit down and get to work!” I’m getting close to feeling ready to tackle my “Forerunner” trilogy, but I’d like to develop that world more first. I’ve got a YA sci-fi novel gaining steam, but it needs more worldbuilding, too. Remember my “teen paranormal romance?” It still won’t leave me alone.

But for now it’s time for the “3 R’s: Reading, ‘ritin’, and revision.”

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