Writing update – September 2015

Well, I just completed a significant edit of “The Minstrel of Fallowfield” (still not thrilled with the title, but I’ve got to call it something), the fourth book I wrote. As I feared, it’s much harder to tell what’s missing than to identify what’s wrong with what’s there. It still seems like I should pump up the tension somehow, but I’m not sure where or how I would do it.

I’ve said it before: editing is hard.

I think there are still a few more tweaks I’d like to make to it, but before long I’m going to need to be able to hand it off to some beta readers and see if they can tell me what’s missing. I think this is my best novel yet. I’d like to know what others think.

The next question is what to do next. I could go back and revise/reread my latest novel and see if it’s as bad as I remember and/or if it can be saved. Or I can move forward an start writing something new. My teen paranormal romance remains unwritten. It’s either that or the trilogy I hope to make my magnum opus and professional debut. I still don’t think I’m ready for that. I lack the depth as a writer to do it the justice I know it demands.

In other, related news, if you missed my crowing on Facebook the other day, my short story I submitted for a contest to select one story to be included in Michael J. Sullivan’s sixth Riyria novel coming out in November has made it past the first cut. I’m one of fifteen authors who managed not to lose him in the first page. It’s a little unclear if there will be a short list before the final selection, but I’m pleased to have made it this far. I can take a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that I don’t totally stink as a writer. Okay, it may even mean more than that, seeing as there were 176 entries. In any case, I’m taking it as a good sign and encouragement to keep going.

If I hear more, you’ll likely hear it. It’ll be that high-pitched Squeeeeeeeee! sound. I don’t hold much hope for being the story selected–there’s too much subjectivity in a final selection. But even to make the next round, if there is one, would be too awesome for words.

UPDATE: The same day this was posted I received notification that my story was not selected. But I got some extensive feedback, and hopefully I can take as much comfort in what they didn’t call out as what they did.

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One Response to Writing update – September 2015

  1. Thom, don’t be too hard on yourself. Think back to Sword of Shannara. Think HARD. It REALLY was NOT a literary masterpiece. It was forced, shallow, and entirely formulaic. It got published and is now widely beloved. Elfstones, for all of the allegorical value that it has, if riddled with logical inconsistencies, glaring plot holes, and two dimensional characterization. It is still one of my favorite reads. Give your work a chance. There will be plenty of time for us to ridicule you AFTER you are adjudicated to suck like a black hole. Don’t rob us, and yourself, of that pleasure and learning experience. 😉

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