Sorry, more music!

I often like seeing the videos that go with songs, as it creates an even stronger emotional response for me. But I’ve found one group that, while I like their songs, I kinda wish there wasn’t video along with it. I’ve recently rediscovered The Corrs, a family group from Ireland made up of three sisters and their brother. Their music is light, lyrical, just a little unexpected, and with lush vocals.

The girls are also quite attractive, which the videos seem to want to dwell on. Like the world needed another band known for their attractive girls. I get a little tired of female posing, writhing, and looking love-sick while they sing. Poor Jim looks incredibly out of place. At least they show them playing their instruments from time to time so we can be reminded this is about music, and they really are talented.

That said, their music is quite enjoyable. So feel free to give a listen. Hit play, and then minimize the screen so you can just listen. Trust me. You’re not missing anything. The videos are essentially interchangeable. Oh, incidentally the second song was produced by the same man (Robert Lange) who produced many of Shania Twain’s hits. Knowing that it’s hard not to hear the similarities.

Here’s some of their older work, which I think I like more. Once they went more mainstream they started to sound perhaps too…mainstream. It’s interesting to note the differences in their image between the previous and this video, too.

Okay, I’ve got to add this in, too. Here’s them live at Albert Hall with Mick Fleetwood on a more traditional piece. Too much fun!

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2 Responses to Sorry, more music!

  1. I bought one of their albums back in the day (Forgiven, Not Forgotton). Not sure why I’ve soured on their vocals, but my favorite tracks of theirs are actually the instrumental ones. Toss the Feathers is especially good.

  2. Yes, their instrumental stuff is pretty good. I think, though, as they gained popularity they went more pop-ish, as witnessed by Mutt Lange producing their songs. I like them less the farther on they got.

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