Web Wanderings: ABBA and Fernando

I was still pretty young when my older siblings (I can’t remember which now) bought an ABBA album. I grew up listening to it, and then just as quickly as they arrived on the scene they disappeared. By the time I was old enough to decide my own music tastes and buy albums they weren’t cool any more. (Though two of the group went on to create the musical “Chess” which causes a big stir in the 1980’s.)

One thing I remember about their music is that it often contained a story. Sometimes it was nothing more than “slice of life” vignettes like “Dancing Queen”, but sometimes there was something more deep behind it. How, for example, did a Swedish pop group come to write a song seemingly based on a Mexican Revolution, a la Fernando? I still can’t listen to that song without wishing I could get the entire story. Who are these people? What happened to their revolution? And what are their circumstances now? Inquiring minds want to know!

But we may never know, and so we’re left with a song that remains evergreen in my mind:

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16 Responses to Web Wanderings: ABBA and Fernando

  1. You are the dancing queen
    Lettuce scream
    Holy submarine

    Dancing queen
    Feel the meat on the tangerine
    Oh yeah

  2. Thom says:

    Don’t be feeling the tangerines, man. Not cool!

  3. That was me, by the way. Dad was not pleased.

  4. Yeah, I remember hearing these songs all the time when I was a kid, especially on car trips. My mental picture of ABBA was waaaaay off from how they actually were, but that’s okay. I still break out their music now and then.

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