Really, life is good

As I’ve said before, we tend to find what we’re looking for. And if I really wanted to find reasons to be unhappy, there are certainly plenty to be found. The death of a Supreme Court justice has once again shown us that there’s no shortage of people happy to politicize everything, and even more who would rather argue about who did what when than figure out a better way of doing things now. Our city has only recently been released from an inversion full of toxic air. The vendor I’m working with at work has found yet another reason to delay the project even longer, to the point it’s beginning to resemble a death march. More people are leaving out department, making me wonder what they know that I don’t. Many of my friends are struggling with various things right now.

But I’m tired of living that way. While it may be easier–or at least habitual–to always look at the negative, it’s certainly not fun, and it’s probably not all that accurate, either. There are a lot of good things to grab onto, too. I’m working on training myself to look for those things instead. It’s not easy to change a deeply-ingrained habit, but I think this one is worth the effort.

After all, my children are all doing well in school, my wife loves me, and my dog thinks I’m a decent person. My job, whether it’s currently satisfying or not, pays enough to cover all our needs. Our cars and major appliances are all working at the moment. Spring is dropping hints at making her entrance soon. I’ve got more than enough books to read for the next while, and the urge to write not one, but two different books. There are signs of God’s love all around me, and quite a few people who will admit to being my friend. While I could always find things to complain about, I really don’t see much point. In fact, it would be quite silly to complain what’s wrong in the midst of so much that’s right.

So that’s where I’m going to leave this week. Many things are certainly in flux right now; some could go poorly, and some could go well. There’s little point to worrying about what might be. And in the mean time there is reason aplenty to be happy with what is.

Everyone have a great weekend! If you get the chance, get outside and take in some sun!

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5 Responses to Really, life is good

  1. You forgot about the cats! Max loves the head-rubs you give him, Jynx thinks the best place to sleep at night is right behind your knees, and Benny… well, Benny is grateful that you have a job so we can feed him. 🙂

  2. Wait … There are people who will admit to being your friend?

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