The ghosts of Christmas past

I took the Christmas lights down over the weekend. They’ve not been on since the New Year, but they’ve still been up. This is unusual. Normally I’ve got them down well before the end of January. Not this year.

This year we’ve received more snow in one winter, almost, than all the previous years combined. I probably exaggerate, but it’s definitely been more snow. And large portion of our roof are inaccessible from the ground, even with my extension ladder, so when there’s snow on the roof I don’t take down the lights. Usually we have weeks between snow showers, but this year has been different. About every time it looks like the roof is finally free of snow and ice and I plan to take down the lights that weekend we’d get another big snow before Saturday and the roof would become treacherous again.

Last weekend the roof was finally clear. But the fruit trees were starting to leaf out, so I instead spray the trees with dormant oil. And, oddly enough, we didn’t get any snow in the intervening week. I got to take the lights down this weekend. None to soon, either. My wife is already cleaning out the flower beds for spring. We’re getting into that awkward time of year when the coat you need in the morning is pointless by afternoon, but necessary again by evening.

But I’m not complaining, mind you. It means spring is coming. I’m ready.

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