My apologies

I just looked back over my list of posts for the last few weeks, and I’ve noticed that in spite of a personal goal to not get too political, I’m getting too political again. And while I think I try to keep things broad and high-level without focusing in on any one group or resorting to “meme-pic rhetoric”, I’m not sure I’ve been successful. I try to write in a semi-passive, calm tone, but I’m pretty sure I’ve failed there. And I’ve allowed the less-than-generous rhetoric (and meme pics–anyone who knows me knows how much those annoy me) of others to induce me to commenting that was likely interpreted as an attack rather than a defense. Yes, some responsibility for that lies with the beholder, but I still should have known better.

I won’t promise not to post political stuff from time to time. I get annoyed by current events as much as the next person. But I’ll do my best to keep my posts averaging on the positive, light, apolitical side. Toward that end (perhaps I’ve posted this before–if so, mea culpa):

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