Web Wanderings

Little-known fact: F/A-18 Hornets can sense problems and tells the pilot what to do, and their voice is that of Leslie Shook, who is retiring.


In other news, there is a movie coming out this month that examines the ethics of military drone strikes. The preview suggests the movie examines the question from many angles, most of them uncomfortable. I’m usually not a fan of “important” movies, but this one may actually be truly important.


Speaking of drones–the increasingly omni-present, annoying kind–they seem to be chalking up a fairly extensive list of enemies. With birds, antelopes, and trees already on the list, we can now add jet-skis (skip to the 3:46 mark). Or, as Qui Gon Jin said, “There’s always a bigger fish.”


And now for something really different. I give you The Applause Machine:

For some reason the shot where the hand comes off just cracked me up.


Speaking of cracking up, how about watching a Reese’s Peanut-butter-ectomy with an Oreo cream transplant? Why yes, there’s a YouTube channel for that:

And there you have it; a smattering of everything. Your day is now complete.



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