America, you need a hug!

…or a time-out. I’m not sure which.

Social media seems alive with anger, frustration and despair. It’s like the day after the last two or three presidential elections, only without the cheering from the other side. No one is happy right now, it seems, and we’ve not even reached the actual election yet.

But I don’t care. There’s nothing I can do about who either party chooses as their candidate. I did my part, and as usual, it matters not at all.

So instead, I’m going to choose to be happy anyway. There is still good in the world, little acts of kindness, and abundant beauty:

A group of teenage girls got together to clean the home of a mother struggling with both an autistic child and her own depression.

A friend of mine just went through a heart attack and is now home from the hospital, still alive and as ornery as ever.

My dog, even though he’s getting old and stiff, will still act like a puppy and beg to play Fetch whenever he sees his favorite ball.

People are still willing to risk their lives to help total strangers.

David Bowie left behind a rather cool and beautiful surprise in his last album cover.

There are a lot of beloved celebrities who haven’t died yet.

There is still chocolate in the world.

I have friends who are doing well, and other friends who are struggling, but we can all count on one another for kind thoughts/positive energy/faith and prayers any time we ask.

We’re able to take amazing technologies completely for granted.

And some things will always be funny–without harming anyone:

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12 Responses to America, you need a hug!

  1. I’m heading for the chocolate. 😉

  2. Thom, it is kinda like the calm before the spanking you know is coming when your dad gets home. We Americans were naughty, and we have been so busy hating each other and calling each other names and not playing nicely together and selected the two biggest bullies, and broke our country (yes I know it isn’t THAT bad … yet but run with me on the metaphor, ok?). We know the spanking is coming. We’ve just been told, “Wait until your father gets home.” and it is hard to get past that sinking feeling of anticipation.

    Yes, life is good, but this kinda reminds me of “The Giant’s Drink” from “Ender’s Game”. There is no right choice, and we’re going to die painfully while the person presenting us with the choice just laughs at us.

    A hug and some time out ARE BOTH called for here. … as well as the coming spanking. We’ve worked HARD to put ourselves in this situation and we surely deserve to “enjoy” the consequences of our labor.

    That said, “And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like, “Credorrrrrza!”

  3. A much needed perspective. Thanks.

  4. I think it’s so easy to be angry, frustrated and in despair these days since you can do it on FB. People have been angry throughout the history, but lacked the means to spread it around the world.

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