Welcome to boring

I’ve lived pretty much all of my life in either Idaho or Utah. Evidently I’ve really been missing out. According to AreaVibes.com, those are the top two most boring states in America. As measured by what, you may ask?

Using AreaVibes and U.S. Census data, we measured each city on the following criteria:

  • % of Population Over 65 (higher is more boring)
  • % of Households With Kids (higher is more boring)
  • % of Married Households (higher is more boring)
  • Population density

Then, our algorithm ranks each state for each of the criteria, takes an average of the individual ranking, and identifies the state that scores as most boring across the board.

And considering that I have kids, am married, and am not very dense, I guess I’m a major contributor to that. And I’m just fine with that. And I’m more than happy if the other states don’t try to export their excitement here, thank you. And stay off my lawn, unless you intend to mow it.

Besides, here in Utah we’re also in the top three areas for mansions, so I suppose that’s consolation.

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4 Responses to Welcome to boring

  1. Yes, I understand that blind panic is VERY not boring.

  2. Sounds like ‘boring’ means ‘able to entertain yourself’. So if a place is exciting, it means you want someone to entertain you – or what many millennials believe – we are here to serve them.

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