Is Kanye West on to something?

Yes, that’s “on TO something”, not “on something”, though there are plenty of people out there right now who aren’t too sure. As for me, I’m kinda rethinking my opinion of Mr. West. Whether or not he practices what he preaches, I think he’s right. It all started with this tweet:

You don’t have to agree with trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018

This is supposed to mean that West is now a Kool-aid-drinking Trump fanatic, of course. At least that’s how the liberal crowd seemed to take it. Especially after after West tweeted earlier in support of Candace Owens, who is a liberal-turned-conservative raising questions about whether the liberals are really helping blacks.

These people are like the people who used to see the sign on the side of our house advertising “Sewing Machine Repair” and swear it said everything from bike repair to refrigerator repair. They see “the mob can’t make me not live him” and completely ignore everything else in the entire post, including the parts where West says he “love[s] everyone” and that he doesn’t agree with everything he does.

But no, they read what they wanted to see, and immediately went berserk, even pressuring West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, to get him to recant. She had this to say:

I think she might be right. It may take years for the mindset to shift, and when it does I doubt many people will remember that West was one of the first, most influential to move that direction. Time will tell, perhaps.

Others went to the source. A friend (presumably John Legend) texted West, trying to get him to change his mind. West posted the conversation on social media:

Hey it’s JL. I hope you’ll reconsider aligning yourself with Trump. You’re way too powerful and influential to endorse who he is and what he stands for. As you know, what you say really means something to your fans. They are loyal to you and respect your opinion. So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump’s policies cause, especially to people of color. Don’t let this be part of your legacy. You’re the greatest artist of our generation

(And this may be one of the most well-written, well-punctuated, grammatically sound texts I’ve ever seen. I don’t even text this well!)

West doesn’t back down, and in fact doubles down on the idea that he loves everyone:

I love you John and I appreciate your thoughts. You bringing up my fans or my legacy is a tactic based on fear used to manipulate my free thought.

That’s some clear analysis, calmly expressed. I don’t know much about Kanye West beyond his grandstanding at the Grammy Awards. This depth of thought and clarity of writing is not something I would have expected. Nor is the level of respect between these two. Legend replies:

Think freely. Think with empathy and context too. Your words and actions have consequences. Much love.

And since you’re posting texts, let me add that I have a new single out haha

That’s awesome! His friend just made their private texts public, and rather than be upset he runs with it! Incidentally, their wives get in on the good-natured banter, too:

@KimKardashian are we still doing dinner Friday or no lol

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) April 26, 2018

Yes but maybe no phones 🤣📵📵📵📵😂

— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) April 26, 2018

But I digress. I just liked seeing adult conversations in the media. It seems too rare these days.

Everyone does seem to me to be overreacting here. West is standing up for freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and for loving one another. He summarized this week of social media firestorm in these terms:

This is year one. We can’t ad empathy to MAGA by hating. We can only ad empathy with love and time and truly hearing all sides

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 26, 2018

Regarding claims he’s turning conservative, he said this:

I haven’t done enough research on conservatives to call myself or be called one. I’m just refusing to be enslaved by monolithic thought.

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 27, 2018

He’s spot on. You’re not going to truly change anyone, let alone Trump, by hating. Most people are truly changed by those who seek to understand before criticizing. I’m pretty sure John Legend had more influence than all the celebrities who unsubscribed from West’s feed, or the frothing hoards who attacked him. In the exchanges I’ve seen in all of this he comes across as thoughtful and respectful, which is one of the most sure ways to get my attention. He’s certainly caused me to reconsider my earlier assessments of him.

It will be interesting to see where this all leads, if anywhere. I hope his stand has some impact. I’m hoping his real message doesn’t get lost in the hate. He’s not endorsing Trump. He’s just refusing to hate. He’s trying to be open minded and recognize that not everyone is completely bad or completely good, and that most people have good, solid reasons for what they believe. Is that such a bad message? Had he said the same about Hillary Clinton I’m sure he’d be the media darling.

Good for him for being willing to risk being unpopular.


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