
I recently reconnected with an old friend, who invited me to join an online forum exploring passion–as in the things that really drive us. In order to apply I had to answer a question about my personal passions. Fortunately my friend added me to the group before I could answer, but it’s got me thinking. Just what is passion? What elevates it above mere interest, for example?

I’ve recently become a fan of Formula 1 racing. Nine months ago I knew next to nothing about the sport and, if asked, would probably have told you it would be boring to watch a bunch of guys in little cars drive around and around for an hour and a half. Unless there are wrecks, I suppose. Now I know a lot more about the sport to the point that I could likely converse at length about different teams, their strengths and weaknesses, the drivers, the races I’ve seen, the race tracks, and what’s good and bad about the sport. I can usually be found in front of the TV every race weekend to watch Saturday qualifying, and at some point in the next few days I’ll find time to watch Sunday’s race.

But am I passionate about Formula 1? I don’t know. I…wouldn’t classify my interest that way. And that’s my problem, perhaps? I don’t know that I’m passionate about anything, really. defines “passion” as “any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.” As a a culture we tend to get superlative with our use of words. We claim to “love” a lot of things that we probably shouldn’t describe that way. I like Formula 1. I enjoy Formula 1. I’m dedicated to exploring it further. But do I love it? Am I passionate about it?

My wife would likely claim I get passionate about certain topics, as measured by how loud I get when talking about them. Perhaps that counts, then. But most of the time when called out on it I’m perfectly fine with changing the topic. And, frankly, I could see myself being bored with Formula 1 within a year or two and not watching it any more, especially when my son who introduced me to it leaves home. That doesn’t sound like passion to me.

So just what is passion, and how do you know when you have it? What do you think? Drop me a comment below.

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2 Responses to Passion

  1. Dan Stratton says:

    This is an interesting topic. It caused me to question my passion as well. It took me a couple days to come to a postulated conclusion. Now I need / want to test that conclusion to see if it truly is my passion. How did it come to me? I asked my wife and she couldn’t come up with something about which I am truly passionate. Yesterday my daughter texted me an item she found in her new company’s employee store that she knew I would want. And then she confirmed: I am passionate about pens and paper. Thanks for spurring me to investigation.

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