I keep hoping

I want to post. I really do! But everything I want to say takes time to write–time I just don’t seem to have right now. Okay, I’ll amend that. It takes time I’m not willing to give up for it right now. When I do have free time I’d rather spend it with my family. My kids are on final approach to a new school year, and they’d like to have some family fun before “the end cometh.” And what time I don’t spend with them I’ve got far too many other things lining up for attention. I haven’t even written on my novel in a week and a half. Work is taking up my lunch hours and a considerable chunk of my weekends lately.

I want to post. But it might not be for a while yet.

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4 Responses to I keep hoping

  1. Thom, live your life. All of your fan will understand if you have other things to do.

  2. Dan Stratton says:

    How could you dare to suggest your family is more important than us, your readers who have devoted countless seconds to the reading of you prose? Die, die, die. You don’t deserve to have any ever read you again.

    Just didn’t want you to miss the vitriolic diatribes your wonderful family won’t provide. :).

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