
I’m multi-tasking to write this post. It’s actually the night before this gets posted, and I’m working from home, waiting for a multi-step process to get to my step so I can “work my magic” and tell everyone everything went fine. But while I’m waiting, I’ll write a quick post.

It’s raining tonight. I’m usually happy to see rain–comes from living in the high deserts in the Rocky Mountain rainshadows for most of my life,  I suppose. But it was a long, hot, dry July, and a good gully-washer is especially welcome just now. While I was sitting here my wife and youngest came home from his tennis lesson and declared a storm was coming and everyone had better get out there fast if they still wanted to get in a bike-ride tonight. So my wife and the older two kids (the youngest is strongly anti-bike) took off to try and beat the storm.

They failed. The looked a little drowned when they got back.

But now we’re all safe and sound inside listening to the rain fall, the raingutter downspouts gurgling, and the thunder rumbling. It’s a fine moment, to be sure.

Since it’s plum season, we’ve got a plum crisp waiting for just before bedtime, and my wife experimented with plum preserves today. She gave me a sample. I’m quickly becoming a plum fan–which is fortunate, considering we’ve now had a plum pie, plum crisp, and a batch of plum preserves and only wiped out a third of what I picked on Saturday. There’s still about that same amount still on the tree, too. Perhaps within another week or two we’ll be “plum tired of plums.”

Oh, I crack myself up.

And I bore you spitless with my sentimental stream of consciousness, no doubt. But it’s only fair. I’m bored sitting here waiting for databases to get backed up and scripts to run. But if I’m lucky I’ll get to walk with my dog and my sweetheart in the fresh-soaked neighborhood later on. This is a somewhat mature neighborhood with lots of trees and grass. It’s going to smell pretty darn good.

Good night, everyone. Catch you on the flip-side.

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2 Responses to Thunderstorms

  1. Dan Stratton says:

    Eat enough plums and ye shall be cleansed!

  2. “And I bore you spitless with my sentimental stream of consciousness, no doubt.” No more so than your normal fare. You worry too much.

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