Stay classy, Holdernesses!

UPDATE: The estate of the songwriter for “Rent” decided the song wasn’t enough of a parody to count and asked them to take it down, which they have.

I’ve somewhat recently discovered the Holderness Family and their series of videos on YouTube (you may remember the “In Our Christmas Jammies” video a few years ago?). I think their videos are great; catchy, funny, and not afraid to laugh at themselves. Well, evidently not everyone loves them. It wouldn’t be the Internet if they didn’t attract some negative comments, some of them rather nasty. So what do they do? They make a song out of them!

“You’re just too white”?!?! Uh….what exactly are they supposed to do about that? Performing in blackface is a no-no, and these are family-made videos, so are they supposed to run out and adopt some black kids just to please the haters? That wouldn’t please them–they’d just complain about how they probably just adopted black kids to look diverse.

No, I think the Holdernesses have the right approach here. Sometimes the best way to deal with haters is to let them speak for themselves and reveal just how stupid they sound.

Stay classy, Holdernesses, and keep ’em coming!

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2 Responses to Stay classy, Holdernesses!

  1. The video is listed as private when I try to play it.

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