Water buffalo ballet

I admit I’m a bit of an aerospace geek. I grew up in a small city where there weren’t a lot of commercial air flights, so whenever I heard an airplane fly over I had to look. This didn’t change when I moved to a bigger city and bought a house not far off the flight line of the local airport. Now I live nowhere near an airport, but I work next to it, so I still look up whenever I hear airplanes.

So, needless to say, this video is the epitomy of cool:

It’s also an interesting lesson in planning. They could have just showed you the cool parts, but they chose to show you the pilots and film crew working out how they were going to pull off their aerial acrobatics with huge, slow airliners safely. These were prototypes, evidently, and represent about $1.5 billion dollars worth of potential debris.

It just goes to show that to play at the top levels of most any field it’s all about discipline. It’s about having the experience to know how to not take risks.

For more information on what they were doing, read here.

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