A box full of memories

I had binders full of women before Mitt Romney did. Women and men, and some children, too. Of course mine were on character sheets, whereas Mitt’s were resumes, but…well, I think mine was more fun.

It’s been close to twenty years since I last played the Star Trek Roleplaying Game. Most everything, including the binders, has been sitting in a box in my shed. Faced with a new summer vacation rapidly approaching and a bored pre-teen son I decided I needed something to keep him occupied. I was originally looking for my Star Wars RPG manual–the game system is simpler, and he’s more familiar with the source material–but I couldn’t find it. So I dug out The Box.

I’m not sure my son is all that interested, but I had a fun jog down memory lane. My sister and I were serious gamers in our day. We didn’t just have a few characters, we populated a world (literally) with them. We played adventures, and we played the parts in between–there was little difference to us, really. Plot points could happen during off-hours as easily as during. It was pretty hardcore. And it was a blast!

Alas, my memory is fading far faster than I’d prefer. I found myself trying to remember who some of these characters were and drew blanks. Perhaps my sister and I need to have a Starbase Two reunion sometime. If my kids think I’m crazy now…

We had a few other players join us here and there, but it was mostly my sister and I. Ah, those were good times.

I did find my SW:RPG book eventually. My son knew where it was the moment I mentioned it. I think I’ll start there with my kids and leave Star Trek off the table for now. You just don’t catch lightning in a jar twice, more than likely.

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7 Responses to A box full of memories

  1. It certainly would NOT be the same. It might be better.

  2. Reminded of a quote attributed to Albert Camus, by one of my English Profs. and I’m gonna mangle this, “life an effort to recapture our first great emotions and experiences.”

  3. Do you still have the maps? It might be interesting to see how our characters have changed over the last fifteen? years, or rather how we play our characters now that we’re older and wiser.

  4. I still have my binder full of characters too. Gads, I was such a teenager…

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