Michael J. Sullivan Kickstarter

Michael J. Sullivan, one of my favorite authors, wanted to release a new book in his Riyria series next year, but contract obligations on other books coming out next year made that impossible. So he’s going to try to get it released by the end of this year, and to do that he’s going to self-publish. He’s no stranger to this–it’s how he got started. Nor is he a stranger to Kickstarter, having successfully used it to publish his novel “Hollow World”. So as of today he’s opened a Kickstarter campaign to finance work on “Riyria Chronicles: The Death of Dulgath“.

Michael J. Sullivan is a terrific author and something of a role-model to me, both as someone who wanted to be a writer, gave up, and then came back years later to try again (and succeed), and as the type of “nice guy” writer I’d like to be if I ever find myself in a similar position. I’m still working through the first three of his Riyria novels, but as I understand it the fourth and fifth (and pending sixth) novels, while in the same setting with the same characters, can be read independently.

Sullivan is also of a similar mind as far as what kind of stories he likes to write (well, duh, otherwise I wouldn’t like him!). His novels, while certainly full of action and unpleasantness, avoid stepping over into the “dark-n-gritty” fantasy that’s so popular these days. He wants to write “fun adventure stories”, and that’s what you get with him. Clearly he’s not an aberation, as he’s probably one of the most successful fantasy writers out there right now. He just doesn’t get the press that writers like Brandon Sanderson or George R. R. Martin seem to get. He’s built his following differently. And frankly, I think he represents the future of publishing–a writer who is equally comfortable self-publishing when it suits, working with traditional publishers when it suits, and using technology to get his readers exactly what he wants.

Add to that Sullivan is active in teaching others to write. In fact, along with this new novel comes an opportunity for aspiring writers looking to get their name out. Sullivan and his wife have committed to giving feedback on all coverletters sent to them. From among these one will be chosen, their story critiqued by him and his wife, copy-edited by the same professional editor he will use, and included in the book when it comes out. Oh yeah, he’ll also pay over twice the going rate for the story itself. Exposure and payment! The guy rocks.

Pledges start at $5, with a special edition hardcover available at the highest level of $150. There are also additional bonus offers available for Riyria merchandise. Check it out over at Kickstarter. I’m already in.

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