Humans behaving humanely

People can be pretty decent people sometimes. I really need to look for more stories like this and make sure they get more attention.

In this case, a woman ordered a cake from the bakery of a local grocer. When she went to pick it up she decided it might be nice to have it personalized, so she asked someone she thought was a bakery if they could write on the cake for her. The employee did. It wasn’t until later she looked at the cake and saw the writing was, well, unprofessional in appearance.

She didn’t freak out. She didn’t demand a new cake. She decided to leave it as was, realizing it was not that serious a matter, and went to pay for the cake. It was the store employees who started to get upset.

Read the rest of the story here. All I can say is we could use a lot more of this: someone who has a reason to get upset…chooses not to.


In related news, Woman shoplifts ingredients for her child’s birthday cake, investigating cop picks up the tab, doesn’t arrest.

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2 Responses to Humans behaving humanely

  1. It’s a rare thing these days when people don’t have tantrums and much appreciated.

  2. Dan Stratton says:

    There is hope for us all. We just have to get out of the big cities and back to good values. 🙂 Three cheers.

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