Some video for your consideration

Just a few interesting videos I’ve seen lately. (Yes, that means I couldn’t come up with anything of my own to post today. You may now issue a huge sigh of relief.)

I think I’ve mentioned Physics Girl before. She’s the great host of a science series covering a variety of physics-related topics. This week she explains why perpetual motion machines don’t work–or appear to work, but aren’t really perpetual motion machines.

I’ve talked about Senator Ben Sasse before, also. Here’s his take on San Bernardino and much of the debate going on right now. I think he mostly sums up my feelings on the matter:

And on a completely different note, here’s a cute video about what it is to be a geek. I’m not personally this way, but I know some who are. For myself I had to just accept that there is far more out there to geek out on than I will ever have time to keep up on, so I will stake out my segment of geekdom and not criticize anyone else for theirs.

Last, but not least, you can never go wrong with the Slo Mo Guys. This time they create a fire tornado, which is cool enough by itself. But of course you also get to see this one in slow motion! And for once there is no harm to Dan!

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